Fireworks + Boulders, 2022 © Brian Kellett

From my experience it’s easy for most people to imagine that other’s lives, businesses, routines and problems are somewhat less frictional than their own.

Then I also am reminded by others that my life should be more difficult than what I apparently make it look to be (since I use a wheelchair for mobility).

This is where the concept of Fireworks + Boulders comes in.

Every living being has those larger obstacles as the fireworks are popping’ off around them. For Emily and I - we had this conversation while sitting on the dock at Bubba Gumbo’s near Tybee Island in Georgia.

I compared business to moving a nearly full cup of water across a bumpy table. As you try not to spill it it may look like it doesn’t take much to move that cup from one side of the table to the other without spilling but to the person moving it, they have a very different experience. This is a boulder.

For the person actually moving that cup // boulder there are so many decisions, late night, early mornings, easy and hard decisions that lead to getting that cup // boulder from point A -> B.

Meanwhile as we make progress on one area we are distracted by all those damn fireworks blowing up around us.

And we certainly know that they are coming. There’s no way of escaping the unpredictable aspects of our lives... but with practice those loud bangs get a little less distracting and their direction easier to guess.

If you’re not equipped for either the boulder or the fireworks then it’s time prepare yourself to get serious, become a lifelong learner & be ready for the unpredictable.